Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"'Twas the night before"...random analogies

God's creation is awesome...even mice, but I just really have a problem with anything that "scurries".

So for a long while now, I have seen "evidence"of a mouse (particularly active around and in our dog's food dish). So we laid a couple of traps, and low and behold..."voila!"- caught the culprit this weekend... or so we thought.

So here I am, yesterday morning, approaching Jesse's food dish, all excited to be "scurry-creature-free", when, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature dumping ground, and eight tiny pellets there ,With a little old field mouse, so lively and quick,I knew in a moment the trap didn't do the trick.

So why do I share this incredibly "non-guidepost"esque analogy?
I'm glad you asked.

Sin can be like a mouse.

When you begin to see the evidence of it-
you need to get rid of it quick,
before it take up residence,
multiplies and stinks up the place.

The views expressed on MelodyIrby's blog are not necessarily those of Journey Church, Roanoke VA, which meets at the Valley View Grande theater.

Journey church and the mice that meet therin assume no responsibility for claims arising from opinion of its pastor of worship based on blog content.

Any information comparing mice to sin in the Irby household is not meant to any way discriminate against the mice that peacefully assemble to worship at the Valley Veiw Grande theater.

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